GOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAL ESPANA! Howdy folks from World Cup land. I'm feeling a little better today. Ate a full meal finally (salad) after three days of apple juice, and my local Madrid colleagues took me to the pharmacy for magic syrup (Primperan) which makes a hurt'n tummy feel better. Yesterday my friend Lynn flew in from Northampton (by way of Indiana!) for a week here before she starts a month-long trek across Europe. Go Lynn! Today we joined the throngs of young people at Plaza de Colon (a tribute to Christopher Columbus) to watch the Spain vs. Saudi Arabia game on the big screen, in 95F heat. It was a crazy, packed, hot, drunk affair, so TONS of fun! Spain scored just one goal, against a wicked good Saudi defense and goalie. The most amount of San Miguel beer sprayed our way in celebration of the first half goal. Below are pictures of adolescent national pride on display and one shot of Lynn (hand shielding eyes) stretched on her tippy-toes to see the big screen. Good times.

In other news, I'm coming home early. Classes end and grades are due next Friday, which will be 5 weeks since I left Boston. For various reasons, I've decided to make my way back to the States via a last weekend getaway in London. I'll be home in time to celebrate July 4th, leaving our former colonial ruler behind me! I'll probably post again before I leave. Looking forward to some hot and humid New Enlgand weather. YES!
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