Pictures are up. Greece and Italy now, France and Spain to follow soon.
One brief update: I got a padded envelop in the mail last Saturday from Barcelona. Yup! My passport was inside as was my WALLET! Some kind soul found my wallet at the Barcelona train station, turned it in to the police, who then sent it to the US consulate. Everything was intact - credit card, debit card, driver's license,etc, but no money. Of course I didn't expect I'd ever see the 130 euros that I had with me that day. HOWEVER, a letter was in the envelop explaining that my passport had been canceled and attached to the letter was a hand-written CHECK from the US consulate office for $160.59, the exchange rate for my lost 130 euro. Not only did someone turn in my wallet with the money inside, the consulate exchanged my money and mailed the whole thing back to me. Unbelievable!